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Monday, October 1, 2012

Fig Balsamic Vinegar

We recently got a bunch of figs from friends! Thank you very much! We were debating what to do with them.

I scoured the internet and found this recipe from a food blog called White on Rice. Its delicious! I have been using this as a dipping sauce for roasted chicken. I am thinking of other uses for it. It works great with toasted bread and goat cheese as well!

1 cup of fig pulp (I used Mission figs, but I think Brown Turkey would work too)
1 cup balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Scoop out the fig pulp from the figs. I found a paring knife works best for this.

In a saucepan, add the balsamic vinegar and fig pulp. Simmer on low heat for 30-45 minutes, or until the mixture reduces to about half. Give it a good stir every 5 minutes or so, to make sure the figs don't stick to the pan.

Allow the fig reduction to cool. Place the mixture in a food processor and blend thoroughly.

The recipe from White on Rice called for straining the fig seeds out of the mixture, but I found the figs seeds were too small and just fell through my colander  I would stay strain it if you have a really fine mesh colander--those seeds are small! Otherwise, just leave the seeds in.

Add a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract.

Store in a glass container in the fridge.

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