Monday, August 20, 2012

Bot Thinh/Kao Kua (Vietnamese/Thai Ground Roasted Rice Powder)

I got this recipe from a blog I follow, Wandering Chopsticks. I have not had the chance to use it for anything but Vietnamese Larb. Its delicious!

1/2 cup uncooked jasmine rice or glutinous rice

In a cast iron skillet, turn the heat to medium-low. Add the rice and slowly saute the grains.

Continue to slowly saute the rice grains until they are light brown. Watch the rice carefully and don't let it burn. This should take about 10-15 minutes.

Remove the pan from heat, transfer the rice to a bowl and allow the rice to cool completely. You will need to grind the rice into a fine powder, so you need the rice completely cool. If it is even a little hot, it will stick to the blades of your spice grinder. Also, warm rice can dull or damage your blade when you are blending it.

Once the rice is completely cool, transfer to a spice grinder (or mortar and pestle) and blend until it is a fine powder.

Store in a glass jar. It will last up to a year.

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